

Thomson, Gibson, Carpenter Moved Up By Action of Overseers; Four Named To Administrative Boards

Three promotions in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, among those approved by the Board of Overseers on October 9 but not announced until yesterday, were released last night. At the same time four new appointments to the Administrative Boards were announced.

William Thomson, associate professor at Harvard since 1929, was promoted to the post of James Richard Jewett Professor of Arabic. In the new hybrid field of Geology and Geography, Russell Gibson, former assistant professor of Economic Geology, was made an associate professor. From the position of assistant professor of Palaeontology, Frank M. Carpenter '26 has been promoted to associate professor of Entomology in the Museum of Comparative Zoology.

Mayo, Ferguson Named

Two men have been named to the Administrative Board of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Lawrence Shaw Mayo '10, acting dean of the School; and William S. Ferguson, dean of the Faculty, replacing George D. Birkhoff '05, who resigned as Faculty dean last spring.

On the Administrative Board of the Medical School Alexander Forbes '04, professor of Physiology, and William B. Castle '17, professor of Medicine, replace Kenneth D. Blackfan, Thomas Morgan Rotch Professor of Pediatrics, and Tracy J. Putnam '15, professor of Neurology.


Fred W. Morse, Jr. '24, assistant professor of Oral Medicine, replaces Ames I. Hadley, clinical professor of Operative Chemistry, on the Dental School Administrative Board.
