
House Dining Halls Open to Freshmen Beginning Today

Freshmen Allowed One Meal a Week as Guests of Upperclassmen

House dining hall privileges for Freshmen will be continued this year beginning today. Freshmen will be allowed to take one meal a week as the guest of an upperclassman in any one of the Houses.

The upperclassman who is the Freshman's host must countersign an inter-House eating slip, and the charge will be made to the Freshman's account at the Union. Both host and guest must sign a guest slip, giving the class and college address of each.

Only the first meal in each calendar week will be charged to the Freshman's account at the Union; additional meals in the same week will be charged to the accounts of the host or hosts.

It is understood that, if unexpected loads on any of the House dining halls should occur too frequently, it may be necessary to require advance notice or else to limit the number of guests at any one time.
