


Playing a more aggressive game than at any previous time in the year despite the loss of Captain Howie Mendel, the Varsity soccer team trounced a weak M.I.T. outfit 2 to 0 Saturday afternoon.

Henry Murphy and Art Page scored the Crimson goals in the first and fourth periods, while Jack Penson, Sophomore goalie, was scoring his first shutout of the year.

Murphy Stars

Murphy, the most improved player on the field, scored first after several of his hard kicks had just missed the Tech net. Also a Sophomore, he showed real possibilities of becoming a star when he has gained a little more experience.

Page's score came when he rushed the goalie in a melce around the Tech goal and kicked the ball into the net with his knee.


The absence of Mendel, second highest scorer in the New England league last year and sparkplug of the booster first two games this fall, who was on the beneil with water on the knee, was keenly felt. Page, however, played capably in his position at left outside.

Ives Improves

David Ives, playing the entire game despite a bad charley horse, continued to improve in his fullback position, while Jimmy Rousmaniere was outstanding at halfback. With the exception of a few lapses, all turned in better performances than at any previous time in the season.

The Tech outfit was weak as a team, although there were a few individual stars. Haden, Wu, and Johnny Ewing were outstanding for the Engineers.

The only weakness shown by the Harvard eleven in the game was in the inside positions in the forward line.

Yardlings Gain 1-0 Win

The Yardlings made it a double victory by defeating the Tech Freshmen 1 to 0, outplaying them throughout the game. Jim Gleason, Harvard goalie, never touched the ball in the whole first half and only rarely in the second.

George Willetts scored the goal for the Crimson as Cal Calhoun and Cook starred. Only poor shooting prevented the Yardlings from scoring more goals.

The lineups: HARVARD  M.I.T. Penson, g.  g., Herzog Ives, r.f.  r.f., Loven Doughty, l.f.  l.f., Sosa Rousmaniere, r.h.b.  r.h.b., Van Sciver Edgar, c.h.b.  c.h.b., Samuels d'Autremont, l.h.b.  l.h.b., Estes Halstead, r.o.  r.o., Wu Staber, r.i.  r.i., Fonseca Murphy, c.  c., Josefowitz Willetts, l.i.  l.i., Macorra Page, l.o.  l.o., Miller

Harvard Substitutes: Barnes, Davidge. M.I.T. Substitutes: Haden, Kirman, Ewing.

Score--Harvard 2, M.I.T. 0. Goals--Murphy, Page.
