"In many ways I'm glad to be back in America," commented Quentin Roosevelt '41 last night after telling some of the hair raising experiences he had this summer while travelling in far-off China.
Raided by a Japanese destroyer, attacked by pandits, caught in a Chinese convertible bomber on a secret flight carrying $8,000,000 for guerilla troops in North China--these are only a few of the thrills enjoyed by the 19-year-old scholar-adventurer who brought back 2000 manuscripts and six or seven scrolls from the distant land of the Nashi peoples.
Many of his priceless relies of the Nashi civilization will go to the Pea-body Museum and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Roosevelt, a Junior, hopes to get a course credit in Fine Arts 20 for his work.
When questioned as to his future plans, Roosevelt said, "I plan to go back soon again to China."
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