
Rabbi Silver Appointed to Oldest Harvard Lectureship

Named Budleian Lecturer at Divinity School; Post Founded in 1751

Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, of The Temple in Cleveland, has been appointed Dudleian Lecturer at the Divinity School for the current academic year, it was announced yesterday.

Oldest lecture foundation at Harvard, the Dudleian was established in 1751 under the bequest of Paul Dudley, 1690, who bequeathed to the College the sum of 133 pounds, six shillings, eight pence.

According to the terms of the will, the money was to be used for "the erection, maintaining, supporting, and continuing an Anniversary Sermon or Lecture to be held or preached at the said College once every year successively."

Three subjects are prescribed by the terms of the fund as those to be given in rotation. The subject this year will be "the validity of non-episcopal ordination."
