
Refugee Committee Organizes Intercollegiate Cooperation

30 Colleges Attend--Permanent Body Set Up in New York

With $9500 already banked, the Harvard Committee for German Refugees will wind up its drive for funds by sending out an appeal to the Alumni," said Phillip Ragby, Secretary last evening.

"In addition the Committee is planning a series of benefits in the near future," Ragby continued, and we also are encouraged by the response accorded our invitation for an Intercollegiate conference in New York, December 27 to 28."

The Conference was attended by the Harvard Committee, and by representatives of undergraduate organizations in 30 other colleges. Speakers included Franz Boas, leading American anthropologist who spoke on "The Nazi Race Myth," Dorothy Thompson, and James G. McDonald, former High Commissioner of the League of Nations. A concrete result of the conference was the erection of a permanent intercollegiate Committee which will stimulate interest in other colleges. Offices are maintained in New York City.
