First there was the regular pigskin season. Then a few teams decided to stage intersectional clashes to prolong the season into December. Shortly some one had the idea of a championship encounter, the Rose Bowl. Soon a lot of other people wanted a lot of other Bowls, the Sugar, the Cotton, the Finger, the Orange, and Hawaii's Pineapple. It was surprising, as a matter of fact, that baseball was able to keep possession of the Grapefruit.
All these things came about; and last Monday was a big day in college football, as well as in top-notch high school circles. Yesterday, however, two victors in Rose Bowl play, Tennessee and Texas Christian, were asked to compete in another game for a "World's Fair" trophy and free rides on the Ferris Wheels.
This should not be the end of the matter. It is not hard to visualize even more "champeenships of champeenships" to come. There is one consideration, though These post-season "classics" may run into the spring practice program.
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