
The Scientific Scrapbook

Bloomberg Cures Drunkards By Use of Benzedrine Drug

Dr. Wilfred Bloomberg, instructor in neurology at the Medical School, has developed a new approach to the curing of alcoholism through the use of the drug benzedrine, which acts as a substitute for alcohol while the personality defect that caused the patient to become addicted to drink is corrected.

Calling all alcoholism "a disease", Bloomberg says benzedrine removes the craving for alcohol by giving the patient the effect he desires without being as harmful as alcohol. He warns, however, that its uses can be dangerous and that it should be administered only under a physician's supervision.

Under the influence of the drug "life seems worth living again. While there is a tremendous variability" in the effect of the drug, its most common effect is "a sense of well-being or a mild state of elation."

Almost as common an effect is a marked tendency to garrulousness, not quite in the ordinary manic form of a rush of speech with a flight of ideas, but rather like the sprightly chatter of the good conversationalist who knows he is good.
