
The Moviegoer


Although it includes no outstanding dramatic triumphs and is possessed of no extraordinary artistic merits, "The Young in Heart" provides good entertainment. This is probably because of its pleasant lack of realism in both plot and presentation. The story, which concerns an engaging family of rogues and social parasites who are reformed to solid citizenship by the love of a Little Old Lady, is one of those amusing fairy-tales which adults like to believe.

A critical analysis discloses flaws in plenty. The action occasionally slows to a tortuous crawl in sequences where long pieces of quasi-philosophy or super-sentimentality are inserted. Also on the debit side is a strained and obvious attempt to give the picture social significance. But these faults are not sufficient to weight down an otherwise light and airy fantasy. Roland Young and Billie Burke, whose reputations characterize the film, fit happily into its mood and spirit; while the names of Janet Gaynor and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. look well on the marquee.

"Five of a Kind" is one of a kind with all previous extravaganzas about Canada's principal tourist attraction.
