
Skiing Poor Throughout New England Due to Warm Spell

Gardiner Finishes Second in Contest On Course With Breakable Crust and Icy Curves at Pinkham

Bill Hinton, captain of the ski team, was the winner of the all-Harvard Downhill Race last Sunday at Sherbourne trail, Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire.

Hinton finished the mile and a half course in two minutes and four seconds to beat his nearest rival, Art Gardiner, by twelve seconds. Hinton's time was fifteen seconds better than the best time on the Sherbourne trail last year.

On a course with a breakable crust under two inches of fresh snow and with icy curves. Hinton ran a no-fall race to win over the twenty-one aspirants for the championship of the Crimson.

Third was Howard Hollmeyer closely followed by Karl Porges in fourth position. In a tie for fifth were Bill Thurston, Freshman star, and Moncrief Coch ran, while Dick Shepley came in seventh.

The race is run annually not only to determine the college championship but to rank the candidates for the University ski team. It is, however, for from a final ranking of the team, as several of the members idd not participate.
