
P.B.H. Sends Out Teachers To Aid Peabody Settlement Boys

Undergraduates Disseminate Learning Among Large Classes As Part of Extensive Preparations for Famous Elizabeth Peabody Settlement House Science Fair in February

Twenty-six undergraduate volunteers, recruited by the Social Service Committee of Phillips Brooks House, have been working for months teaching classes of young boys in preparation of the famous Elizabeth Peabody Settlement House Science Fair.

At the Peabody House, which contains the best scientific equipment of any settlement house in the country, the PBH workers teach classes of about eight boys in an unusually wide variety of subjects, ranging from radio broadcasting to guinea pigs.

For many years the College has carried on numerous activities with the Peabody institution. Several of the Harvard Dramatic Club's productions of the past few seasons have been staged at the Settlement House. In contributing to the House's laboratory equipment the University's professors have shown themselves especially generous.

At present P.B.H. maintains an army of 150 volunteers in the field of settlement house projects. Irving S. Michelman '39, Chairman of the Social Service Committee, announce that the activities at Peabody House are being used as models for all the other PBH classes in Greater Boston.

The work of each volunteer is to take a class of students, ranging in age from 16 down, for weekly instruction in some particular field, which may be either academic or athletic. The young teachers work along with and guide their proteges in arranging exhibits for the fast-approaching Fair, which is always one of the highlights of Boston's winter schedule of events.


Many Men Contribute

The following men have contributed their services to the building of those who may prove to be tomorrow's great scientists and athletes: Richard Holder '40 and Donald MacD. Thurber '40 in radio broadcasting;. Theodore L. Lipin '42, Clifford S. Goodman, Jr. '42, Francis E. Condon '41, John Sinnott, Jr. '39, and Carl Weihl '42 in chemistry; Richard D. Schleuer '40 and Robert W. Hartle '42 in photography; R. Tucker Abbott '42 in nature study; Dewey K. Zeigler '41; Elliot Silverman IG in astronomy; David J. Myerson '40 in the study of guinea pigs; Eugene F. Putas '40 in ichthyology; Robert T. Matzner '41 and Alan D. Conger '40 in biology; John W. Lampel, Jr. '42 and David S. Grey '40 in physics; Leonard S. Unger '39 in etymology; and Calvin W. Stillman '39 in ornithology.

In addition to regular subjects, wrestling is being coached by Robert H. Orchard '42; swimming, by Robert F. Rothschild '39; and dramatics by Robert B. Nichols '41 and Robert Clurman '41.
