
Georgian Walkout Near End Now by Wage Compromise

State Labor Board Will Pass on Last Point in Dispute

The five-day old Georgian strike will probably end some time today, after both sides appear this morning before the State Labor Relations Board to settle the one remaining point of disagreement in a compromise contract, that of whether it is to terminate on March 22 or May 22.

After a hearing before the State Board of Arbitration and Conciliation early yesterday, the strikers agreed to compromise on a 7 percent instead of a ten percent wage increase, and after ten hours of intermittent negotiations both sides by one o'clock this morning had reduced minor points in dispute to the question of termination.

Willingness of the management to compromise is held to have resulted from three factors: unfavorable undergraduate opinion as shown by petitions sent to Verne Philbrook, Georgian president; the picketing of other Georgian restaurants in Cambridge; and the hearing before the State Labor Relations Board to investigate possible unfair labor practices which had been set for next Thursday.
