

Cornell Daily Sun

ITHACA, Jan. 12--Cornell's varsity swimming team went through its final workout in the Old Armory pool here this afternoon, it preparation for its first meet of the season against a League Champion Harvard squad in Cambridge Saturday afternoon.

The Big Red mermen will entrain for Cambridge shortly after 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Coach Gordon "Scotty" Little was considerably pessimistic about his team's chances against a Harvard squad which stands undefeated in two years of dual meet competition. The Cornell squad, moreover, will be handicapped by the loss of Co-Captain Bill Luke, who is suffering from sinus. Luke, veteran in the sprints and free style, was expected to be a sparkplug for the Red. Mel Blessing, backstroker, will also be missing because of illness.

"Nevertheless, we're all set to go," Little said yesterday, "and we're about an ready as we'll ever be."

Frank "Grandma" Tillotson, a veteran, is performing creditably in the backstroke.


Two newcomers to the squad, Jeff Graham and Wayne Cheslodon, are shaping up exceptionally well in free style and sprints.

Fred Morris has shown rapid improvement in the breast stroke, particularly in recent practice sessions.

Gene Thorpe and George Silvera are holding down the middle distances nicely, with Don Rankin furnishing substantial support.

Cornell's second meet will be against Princeton, at Princeton, a week from tomorrow.
