
Freshmen Escape Being Jailed for Drunken Offences

Get In Wrong Car To Go To Hockey Game After Party--Spend Night In Jail

Two Freshmen yesterday escaped prison sentences on charges of larceny and drunkenness, when the former charge was dismissed, and the latter placed on file in East Cambridge Court.

Tuesday, December 22, the pair of Yardlings, with several classmates held a Christmas party under the auspices of the newly formed "Roaring Forties" Club. Following the celebration, the pair strolled into the Square ostensibly bent on going to a hockey game in a borrowed car.

Unfortunately they picked the wrong car. The irate owner appeared shortly thereafter, followed by the arm of the law. They were further befuddled when removed from the car and put to bed in the Cambridge cooler.

At the trial yesterday, Judge Arthur H. Stone, who last fall passed sentence on four Freshmen for breaking up a Legion Parade, dismissed the larceny charge as a misdemeanor, and took no action on the drunkenness.
