
The Scientific Scrapbook

Powder Spikes Hemophilia

Thanks to the work of the Medical School's Frederick J. Pohle, Assistant in Medicine, and Francis H. L. Taylor, Research Associate in Medicine, a magic powder prepared from beef blood, has just been discovered, a powder that is more effective in stopping bleeding in hemophilia than any other known treatment.

In several cases of severe bleeding in hemophilic men the application of the powder at the wounds has resulted in spectacular healing, when all the well known treatments failed.

Only recently the Count of Covadonga, former heir apparent to the Spanish throne and a renowned hemophilic, bled to death after an automobile accident. It is entirely probable that the new powder would have helped to stop this bleeding and thus possibly saved his life.

The powder is a "globulin," a protein substance derived from the plasma of the beef blood; plasma is the fluid portion of the blood from which the red and white cells have been removed.
