

Frequent and widespread has been the expression of contempt for the blundering and faltering progress of the democracies in the present crisis. In history's most gigantic poker game, Hitler plays a winning hand because he has the confidence of a nation behind him, while Chamberlain and Daladier feel the depressing and distracting pull of public opinion. With French Communists threatening to strike rather than submit to national defense measures and British opposition flaring against the Cabinet's City policies, the Reich stands firm and united. Seemingly Fascism has once more demonstrated its ability to outmaneuver democracy because of its strong unity, speed of action, power to Accomplish Things.

When we feel doubts as to the essential goodness and superiority of government by the people, we can revitalize our faith by turning to Thomas Mann, outcast of fascism, prophet of democracy, who has come to its home to preach his holy belief in the latter. In deep, organic tones, he voices his faith in the inevitability of democracy. So long as man believes in his own dignity and in a sense of justice, democracy is necessary. Trite and hackneyed phrases these, but such things assume a new meaning by their very absence.

Dr. Mann's faith is an optimistic one, for to him, popular government will certainly triumph over any rule of the select or of Supermen. Democracy is a norm to which men, by their nature, will return. Because it is "rooted in the eternal hunger of the race," it will always reassert itself. Again democracy will triumph because, by its very refusal to concentrate on the production of Supermen, by its humility and criticism, it produces greater men than can Fascism.

These are philosophical fundamentals, without any practical connotations. Yet, it is only if we have a burning faith in them that we can forgive democracy its shortcomings, overlook its stumbling gait, and use it as best we can toward the attainment of ultimate destinies.
