

Brooks House Leader Opens Meeting, And Introduces Representatives of Different Groups

Seven hundred Freshmen crowded all over the top floor of Phillips Brooks House last night to hear 17 undergraduate leaders give them pearls of wisdom from the extra-curricular world of Harvard.

All of the seats were filled, and the Yardlings filled the aisles, main doorway, and main stairway. Some particularly enthusiastic members of the class engaged in dart throwing from the front, while others crowded up the back stairway and attacked the speakers from the rear.

The speakers observed a variety of tactics on their part. Some boomed forth denunciations of competing organizations, some meekly pleaded for aspirants, while others spoke philosophically of the great cross their organization carried. Jokes were abundant and received varying responses.

Edward LaB. Cherbonnier, president of Brooks House, opened the meeting and introduced the speakers, who were, in order: Oliver P. Bolton '39, football manager; Charles D. Duffy '39, of the Band; George W. Phillips '39, of the Glee Club; John H. Pierpont '39, of the Instrumental Clubs; James J. Pattee '40, of the Debating Council; John L. Donnell '40, of the Memorial Society; Richard H. Sullivan '39, of the Student Council.

E. W. Ogden '41, of the John Reed Society, Robert E. Lane '39, of the Student Union; Sam L. Cole '40, of the Dramatic Club; Thomas A. Goldman '39, of the Esperanto Club; William L. Calfee, of the Lampoon; Sherman Gifford '39, of the Monthly; George S. Viereck, Jr. '39, of the Guardian; Samuel N. Hinckley '39, of the Advocate; and Cleveland Amory '39, of the CRIMSON.
