Cambridge's own special police officer, Thomas H. Leary, who went on a vacation and returned to find himself unwillingly put up for the Democratic state convention, waged quite a campaign to defeat himself.
Under the fighting slogan, "Be Wary of Leary," he promised to take care of his wife and family first, his relatives second, and the public last. He refused to affiliate himself with any sort of club, even the Fat Men's Club.
Leary made speech after speech, calling upon the voters to ignore his name at the polls, he made faces at babies, he even borrowed cigars.
In final desparation Thomas Leary hit upon one final scheme. He attempted to got President F. D. Roosevelt to come to Cambridge and make a speech to purge his opponent; Leary was sure his opponent would walk to victory.
But election day came, and no Roosevelt. Leary polled 1165 votes in ward 9 against 1106 for his nearest opponent, Francis J. Corcoran.
Immediately Leary issued a statement berating the voters for electing him. Then he demanded a recount "to cause trouble and annoyance and teach people not to vote for him ever again."
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