
Crimson Reviews--

The Copley Theatre is currently presenting 100 unidentified actors in "Created Equal," a 27-scene object lesson which uses the entire sweep of American history to put across its democratic moral. It is a Federal Theatre Project show, ably presented; those who like their stuff will enjoy this. Republicans had better go to the movies.

Symphony Hall until July 2 will continue the "Pops," Boston's unique contribution to popular entertainment and the spread of good music. The orchestra under Arthur Fiedler is invariably good, and although there are special programs on special nights, each performance runs the gamut from classic to modern. Harvard football songs are occasional encores, and dance music is presented now and again, although no attempt is made to compete with Mr. Goodman, now on the Ritz Roof.

The Fine Arts is still showing "The Moonlight Sonata," an ocacsional en- picture built about the magnificent playing of Paderwski. That this is more of a recital than a movie is a point in its favor.

Keith Boston is showing "In Old Chicago" today and tomorrow. Friday will bring a more dubious bill: "Reckless Living" and "The Lady in the Morgue."

Keith Memorial is holding over Danielle Darrieux--"Dare-you" is even better than "Sea Moan"--in her American debut, "The Rage of Paris." The picture is strongly recommended for its comedy, its subtlety, and that "je ne sais quoi" that these French girls seem to have.


Loew's State and Orpeheum is still showing "Toy Wife," with Louise Rainer, Melvyn Douglas and Robert Young. Essentially modern actors, they have difficulty in this revival of the Victorian Frou Frou," and the result is not happy.

The University is having review day today, transporting grads back to their childhood with Valentino's "Son of the Shiek." "Roberts" with Dunne, Astaire and Rogers is on the same bill. Tomorrow brings "Divorce of Lady X," a sophisticated English comedy, with Merle Oberon very attractive in Technicolor. And it will be worth sitting through half of "College Swing" to see Martha Raye, with a French accent, singing "Howja Like to Love Me.
