

Government Instructor Will Leave Immediately to Take Up Duties as Director

S. Shepard Jones, instructor and tutor in Government, has been elected director of the World Peace Foundation, it was announced yesterday.

Having recently completed a study of some aspects of Scadinavian foreign policies which will appear in book form next fall, Jones will leave Harvard to take up his duties with the foundation immediately.

The foundation was established in 1910 be Edwin Ginn "for the purpose of educating the people of all nations to a full knowledge of the waste and destructiveness of war, its evil effects on present social conditions and on the well-being of future generations, and to promote international justice and the brotherhood of man."

Among the members of the board of trustees of the foundation are President Lowell; Manley O. Hudson, former Bemis professor of International Law and now judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice; Bruce C. Hopper associate professor of Government; and James P. Baxter 3rd, president of Williams College.

At present a resident tutor of Kirkland House, Jones will leave for Europe in July to study the general political situation.
