

Most Report Success in Making Wives Vote as They Do but Some Only After Considerable Coercion

The bank of Harvard graduates ten years out of college are earning less than $2500 a year, according to a decennial report recently compiled, while only five are actually earning $20,000 or more per annum. There are another fifteen, however, who have an unearned income annually over that figure.

Of the five members of the Harvard ten-year class who are earning that figure, 60 per cent, or three, voted for Roosevelt in 1936.

He didn't do so well among the 15 men each receiving a total earned and unearned income of $20,000. The vote was Landon 12, Roosevelt 3. As a whole the class gave 357 votes to Landon, 199 to Roosevelt, 14 to Thomas, 1 to Fr. Coughin's Union candidate, Congressman Lemke, and 5 to Browder, the Communist. Today Roosevelt would receive 45 less votes.

The class of 1928 was graduated 16 months before the stock market break which opened the depression. Out of 659 members, 178 have held one job, 160 two jobs, 103 three jobs.

According to graphs, which do not give exact totals, about 230 are earning less than $2500 a year, 177 from $2500 to $3500, 124 from $3500 to $5000, 54 from $5000 to $7500, 24 from $7500 to $10,000, seven from $10,000 to $12,500, five from $12,500 to $15,000, two from $15,000 to $20,000, and five $20,000 and over.


474 Are Married

Of the 659 members of the class, 474 are married and four did not report. More than 59 percent of those who are married, 281, married working girls, of whom 232 stopped working on marriage, 49 kept their jobs, and 15 who had never worked before started to do so.

In answer to this question, one member of the class reported, "No, wish she did."

More than 56 percent, 266, of the Harvard 1928 wives attended college. Commented one to this question, "No, she went to Wellesley!"

Most of the wives vote as their husbands do. "I don't browbeat her, either," one man comments. "Only after considerable argument," another one adds.

Of the married, 155 have no children, 136 one child, 89 two children, 27 three children and one five children. On whether they wished their children to go to public or private schools, 133 did not answer, 242 said public, 205 private and 79 both. Of the 659 in the class 407 want their sons to go to Harvard, 115 want their sons to go to college but are undecided which, 27 want to send them to college, but not Harvard.

Commented one: "Only if they have the mental ability to absorb the knowledge and the physical immunity against the social atmosphere. Same goes for my daughters." Nearly 58 percent wish their daughters to go to college. Comments: "If that will help support me." "No! No! a thousand times no!"

Only 99 of the 659 go to church regularly, 160 own a house and 271 have no domestic help. Unmarried members of the class seem to have as many servants as the married. One, reporting seven servants, comments, "This is India."

Five Own Planes

All but 138 report ownership of at least one automobile, although one reports, "None, scared of the damn things." Five own airplanes and 42 can pilot them, but the man who reported fright regarding automobiles comments, "God forbid." Less than half the class travels by plane at all, but 83 are regular passengers.

Law provides a living for the greatest single group, with 80 members of the class practicing it. Finance comes next with 78, teaching 59, manufacturing and medicine 55 each, morcantile business 50, engineering 87, advertising 20. The ministry, which Harvard was founded to train, has been chosen by only seven members.

One hundred and eighty-seven own a business. Commented one: "Do you want it?"
