

Twenty-Five Men Reappointed Proctors; Three Men Also Named to Graduate School Posts

Nine new proctors in the College dormitories have been named for the coming academic year, it has been announced. In addition, 35 men were reappointed to the position. The newly appointed men are:

Carl L. Billman '35, of Winchester, assistant in History; William B. Cavin, Jr. '37, of Upper Darby, Pa; Joseph Charles, Los Angeles, assistant in History; Harold van B. Cleveland '38, of Cincinnati; Howard E. Cox, of Carthage, Ill; H. Shippen Goodhue '38, of Boston; George F. Lowman '38, of New Canaan, Ct.; George von L. Meyer, Jr. '38, of Hamilton, and Casper W. Weinberger '38, of San Francisco.

Present proctors reappointed are Lawrence L. Barber, Jr. '37, of Arlington; Thomas H. Bilodeau '37, of Boston; John W. Bryant '36, 2L., of Milton; Gustav Burke, of Baltimore; Francis G. Collier, assistant in History, of West Somerville; Robert J. Cram, Jr., of Waban; Robert L. Cummings, Jr. '35, of Brookline; Frank S. Deland, Jr. '36, of Jamaica Plain, assistant to the director of athletics; Phillippe Dur '35, of New York; Marcel Francon, instructor in romance languages, of Cambridge; Rolline McC. Gallagher '34, of Milton; James E. Gardner, Jr. '36, of Ardsley-on-Hundson, N. Y.; Richard B. Johnson '36, of Swampscott; John Lydenberg, of Scarsdale, N. Y.; Woods McCahill '37, of Willoughby, O.; Knight W. McMahan '33, assistant in Philosophy, of Flora, Ill.; Thomas L. Mikules '30, assistant in English, of Boston; Branford P. Millar '35, assistant in English, of Cambridge; Malcolm D. Perkins '36, of Milton; Joseph H. Phillips '35, of Dearborn, Mich.; Cecil F. Rowe, of Indianapolis, Ind.; Stephen H. Stackpole '33, of Cambridge, secretary to the President; Oscar Sutermeister '32, of Kansas City, Mc.; Norris P. Swett '37, of Bloomfield, Ct.; and Sturgis Warner '37, of Ipswich.

Three proctors were also named for Graduate School dormitories. They are Francis A. Goodhue, Jr. '37, of Hewlett, L. I., N. Y.; Robert A. Thompson, of Ontario, Calif.; and Grant E. Wesner '36, of Reading, Pa.
