Richard W. B. Lewis '39, of Kirkland House, has been awarded the History and Literature Prize for the year 1937-38, and the Barrett Wendell Prize, given by the same field, to an outstanding Sophomore, was given to Robert S. Bart '40, of Eliot House it was learned yesterday.
The History and Literature Prize is given annually to the Junior who shows the greatest promise among the men concentrating in the field. It amounts to fifty dollars, the money to be expended "within a year from the time of the award in the purchase of books of any description except current fiction." When the purchase is completed the winner must send to the field's Committee a list of the works acquired, together with a description of the editions and the prices paid. John A. Moore '38 received the award last year.
The Wendell Prize, established in memory of Barrett Wendell '77, the first chairman of the Committee, is given to the member of the Sophomore class who has made the most notable progress during the year. Winners now in College are Arthur W. Schlesinger, Jr. '38 and Edouard Sandoz '39.
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