
Tennis Team Faces N.C. Invaders Here

Powerful North Carolina Group Undefeated for Over Two Varsity Seasons

Crimson racquetmen will meet the undefeated North Carolina tennis team this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

The Tar Heels from Chapel Hill have been generally considered national collegiate champions five times in the last seven years. North Carolina sends North a considerably weaker team than in past years, but they still stand on their record of not having been defeated since the Princeton match in 1935.

The Crimson team has not been defeated this year. They defeated a pick up team in Washington, and they topped Navy 6 to 0, Williams 8 to 1, Pennsylvania 6 to 3. They were rained out at Columbia last week.

Dave Burt will play number one for Harvard against Carl Rood. George Lowman will face Bob Strain, tennis champion of the southern college. Hubert Houk will play for the crimson against Johnny Foreman a consistent point winner for the Tar Heels during the past two and a half years.

Al Sulloway will play in the number four position against Bill Rood twin brother of the Tar Heels' number one man. Langdon Gilkey will play Frank Farrell who has lost only two matches in three years of varsity competition down south. Chet Legg will face Charlie Ride of North Carolina. John Palfrey will probably play doubles on the Crimson team.


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