
200 Girls Coming to '41 Jubilee Tonight

The following is the list of students and their guests attending tonight's Jubilee, complete to yesterday noon.

Richard H. Abernathy, Jr.--Miss Marjorie Usher, Lesley School

Joseph W. Ahern -- Miss Janet Salter, Simmons College

Wayne F. Anderson -- Miss Ruth Armitage, Andover

Richard F. Arnold--Miss Betty Anne Rose, New York City


Ralph W. Aubin -- Miss Carolyn Church, Brookline

Wiley F. Barker -- Miss Frances Schultz, Denton, Texas

Howard J. Barnet, Jr., -- Miss Barbara Pierce, Milton

James P. Baxter, 4th -- Miss Cornelia Baker, Brookline

John H. Bell -- Miss Ruth Hunter, Newton

Charles P. Berger, Jr., -- Miss Maude Parker, Vassar

Frederick M. Beringer -- Miss Cora Fisher, Belmont

William P. Bernton -- Miss Mary Frances McKellegett, Cambridge

Steven Bittenbender -- Miss Janet Reggis, Brookline

George L. Blackman -- Miss Katherine MacAusland, Boston
