
Requests for More Albums Prompt Senior Committee To Consider Second Issue

100 Men Must Subscribe to New Edition; Ready in Few Weeks

With all of the 1938 Class Albums already sold and some requests for more copies, the Committee is considering the first second printing in Album history.

About 25 men have already put in their orders, but 100 must order the second copies before the committee can break even on the project. In spite of all the extra trouble involved, they are interested in making history.

50 more Albums were printed this year than last, and 100 more than ever before the last two years, yet every copy was subscribed for before any were distributed.

Any one interested in getting a copy of the 1938 Album should write immediately to the Committee at Lowell House E 42. Priced at $10.75, the copies will be mailed out as soon as they are ready, in about four weeks, John S. Dalmpeer '38, Album Chairman, announced yesterday.
