Under the sponsorship of the '41 Union Committee, free reviews for the final examinations in most of the large Freshman courses will be given during the examination period.
These free reviews for the first year men were begun by the '36 Union Committee at mid-years for the purposes of organizing the work of the Yardling students.
The Committee suggests that "those attending a review go to it with a few definite questions in mind, rather than with the hope that the instructor will run through a year's work."
Schedule of Reviews
English I--In last two meetings of class, Wednesday, May 25 and Wednesday, June 1.
Fine Arts le--In the Union June 3, at 7:30 o'clock.
Math. A--Sect 1, Professor Beatley, Sect. 2, Professor Coolidge, and Sect. 3, Professor Jackson, in last meetings of class. Sect. 3, Professor Huntington, on Tuesday, June 7 in Pierce 304 at 2 o'clock. Sect. 4, Professor MacNeille, Wednesday, June 1 and Thursday, June 2 at 3 o'clock in Sever 24.
Math 2--Monday, June 6 at 2 o'clock in Sever 36.
Physics B--Professor Black, Saturday, June 11 at 4 o'clock in Jefferson Laboratory.
Physics C--In last meeting of class.
Chemistry 33--Monday, June 13 at 3 o'clock in Mallinkrodt Laboratory.
History 1--Reviews to be given by individual section men as announced by them.
Biology D--Tuesday, May 31, at 7:30 o'clock in the Union.
Philosophy B--In last two lectures.
Economics A--A schedule of times and places at which assistants will be available for questioning and discussion will be posted next week.
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