
Textbooks for Settlement Houses Wanted by PBH in Second Old-Clothes Drive

Permanent Collectors Appointed For Houses and Yard

Starting today, P. B. H. workers will embark on their semi-annual old clothing and textbook drive which will last until June 3. A special appeal is being made for cast-off clothing to be distributed by the Cambridge Family Welfare service.

Textbooks for the P. B. H. and settlement house libraries, and magazines and sports equipment to be given to the boys clubs are also desired.

Men named as permanent collectors are: William F. Pennebaker '40, Leverett House; Robert A. Krancer '40, Eliot House; John L. Donnell '40, Winthrop House; Joel C. Goldthwait '40, Dunster House; Francis D. Miller '40, Adams House; William C. Hurtt '40, Kirkland House; Joseph R. Crump '40, Lowell House; and Roger S. Schafer '41, Freshman Dalls.
