
Deacons Lose to Davenport in Tennis and Baseball; Berkeley Trims Goldcoast Golfers; Crucial House Track Meet Today

Ross Pitchers Tight Ball, but Few Hits, Many Errors, Spell Defeat for Deacons

Except for the triumph of the Eliot crew at New Haven, Saturday was a thoroughly Blue day for Harvard House teams as Kirkland lost to Davenport, Yale inter-College champion, in tennis and baseball, and the Adams golfers were trimmed by Berkeley.

Phil Ross pitched a bang-up game for the Deacons, allowing only four infield hits and fanning 15, but support was poor. His teammates could only collect three hits, two of them by Mary Ever, second sacker, and the Deacons boggled woefully in the field for a total of nine costly errors to give Davenport a 7 to 3 victory.

Howard Thunderg was behind the plate and Dick Mandrel at first; Evers at second, Bernie Marks at short, and Ernie Smith at third completed the Deacon infield. Put Williams, Bob Seder, and Jim Digel were in the outfield.

Deacons Lose Tennis

Kirkland tennis players fared no betters, as J. C. Wood and Corey Wynn were the only Deacons to win matches in the 5 to 2 Davenport victory. Barker, Ruml, Bradlee, Hough, and Sibley all lost to their Yale Opponents at New Haven.


Adams, which succeeded Lowell as league golf champion in the last stages of competition, was trimmed by Berkley 6 1/2 to 2 1/2. Flaherty and Severs, playing in the first foursome, split with Knowles and Creekmore of Yale, 1 1/2 to 1 1/2. But the second foursome saw Potts and Berger outplay Mellman and Lowe of Adams, the Gold coasters picking up only half a point when Lowe split his match point with Potts.

Stohu also split the match point with White of Yale in the third foursome, but that was all for the Crimson as Yale picked up 2 1/2 points.

This afternoon in the stadium unusually large delegations from all Houses will clash in the annual spring track meet. So close in point totals to date are Eliot, Lowell, and Kirkland that the House cup may depend on the outcome.

Lettermen and those who competed in this year's Varsity Yale meet will be barred from the meet. Among the officials will be Coaches Bill Neufeld and Jaakko Mikkola of the Varsity, Norman Fradd, and Henry Lamar.

The first events scheduled are the hammer threw, shot, and pole vault at 2:30 o'clock, with the high hurdles trials at 3:00 o'clock opening the running events.

Between 75 and 100 entrants are expected. Bob Randall, who took four firsts against the Yale freshmen two years ago, may compete for Kirkland.
