
Sixty-Three Juniors Will Serve As Ushers for Commencement

Sixteen More Men Accept Their Appointments Than Was Case With Class of 1938

Sixty-three members of the Class of 1939 have received and accepted their appointments as Junior Ushers, it was revealed last night by William G. Morse '99, purchasing agent of the University. This is 16 more than accepted appointments last year.

Morse will have general charge for the arrangements for the Class Day and commencement for the class Day and Commencement exercises starting during the week of June 20. Charles L. Burwell will act as head usher, with Oliver P. Bolton and Clifford W. Wilson assisting

The new appointments follow:

George D. Aldrich, John L. Allen, Cleveland Amory, Jack D. Andrews, Nathaniel H. Batchelder, Jr., Robert W. Bean, Richard S. Benner, Jr., George B. Blake, Clarence E. Boston.

Roswell Brayton, Robert M. Bunker, Charles Butcher, Jonathan G. Butler, William L. Calfee, Thomas H. Calhoun, Jr., Wendell N. Calkins, Charles Cary, Daniel S. Cheever, Edmond Lab. Cherbonnier.


Gardner Clark, Myron L. Cohen, Harold M. Curtiss, Jr., John F. Dammann, Jr., Donald L. Daughters, Frank P. Davidson Frederick F. DeRham, Jr., Benjamin F. Dillingham.

Joseph T. Doyle, Charles D. Duffy, Charles D. Dyer, Lawrence F. Ebb, James B. Fearon, Richard R. Flood, Caleb Foote, Frederick W. Fuller, Jr.

Robert T. Gannett, 2nd.James G. Gilkey, Jr., Ellsworth S. Grant, R. Richard Grondahl, Charles P.Hammond, Alfred J. Hanlon, Jr. Frederick W. Heckel, III, Richard P. Hedblom.

Samuel N. Hinckley, Roger F. Hooper, Jr., Charles G. Houghton, Jr., John MacL. Johansen, Laurence S. Johnson, Robert E. Lane, Winfield S. Long, Jr., Ulysses J. Lupien, Jr., Irving S. Michelman

David A. Mittell, Joseph A. Patrick, George W. Phillips, Allen E. Puckett, Edward H. Schoyer, Calvin W. Stillman, Gardner P. Stratton, Robert E. L. Strider, 2nd., Richard H. Sullivan, James Tobin, George S. Viereck, Jr.
