


More than 200 members of the Military Science department will strut their stuff on the soccer field at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon before government inspector Colonel Leroy P. Collins, Chief of Staff of this corps area, several deans, and the Overseer's Visiting Committee on Military Science. All members of the University are welcome.

Battalion Commander Major Joseph F. Nee '38 will open the proceedings when he calls the unit to order for inspection. The four batteries, under the commands of Captains Albert E. Brunelli '38, Joseph Franklin '38, Francis X. Leary '38, and Alfred M. Torrielli '38, will then march out for the "pass in review" manoeuver on the soccer field.

Infantry Band Supports

Music for the review will be furnished by the 13th Infantry Band from Fort Devens. "Usually," said Colonel Harris, Military Science head, "the artillery supports the infantry, but this is a case of the infantry backing up the artillery."

Battery "D", under commend of Captain Brunelli and Lieutenant John Briggs, 3d '38, will execute a close formation, exhibition drill during the review. Three members of the battalion will be decorated with medals for outstanding work and interest in their R.O.T.C. work.


After the review the battalion will break up into various groups who will indulge in such "laboratory sessions" as service of the piece, equitation, pistol firing, harnessing, communications, orientation, preparation of firing data, and firing of the Field Artillery trainer gun. The inspection party will take in each of these shows, and others interested are at liberty to watch also.

Members of the Class of 1938 in charge of the "laboratory" work are Lieutenants Wallace H. Cox, C. G. Davis, John H. Hewitt, Shepard Jerome, Jay W. Kaufmann, Richard G. Labovitz, William P. O'Connor, Jr., Robert Sullivan, and Frederick D. Wright.

Sergeant Major is Raymond G. Jones '39. Color guards are Kenneth L. Booth '39, Clarence E. Boston, Jr. '39, Donald L. Daughters '39, and Benjamin F. Dillingham '39, four men whose weight totals over 800 pounds.

First Sergeants are Cleveland Amory '39, Edwin R. Clarke '39, Allen E. Puckett '39, and Charles C. Snyder '39, while 1939 chiefs of sections are Frederick S. Armstrong, Arthur R. Borden, Jr., I. Tucker Burr, 3d, William L. Calfee, Arthur L. Derby, Jr., Francis J. Donovan, Jr., William A. McFadden, John F. Regan, and Frank S. White, Jr
