
Fish Compliments Harvard on Avoiding Communism in Mass Anti-War Display

Representatives Bernard And Fish Grant Interviews After Addresses

Representatives Hamilton Fish, Jr. '10 of New York and John T. Bernard of Minnesota, who were speakers at peace demonstrations yesterday morning at both Sanders Theatre and M.I.T. forget their differences in praising the Harvard peace strike when interviewed after the meeting.

"Although a spontaneous anti-war demonstration by a million college students would have an enormous effect on Congress, the peace strike, controlled as it is in most colleges by radicals, ordinarily does the cause of peace no good," declared Representative Fish. "I am glad Harvard stayed clear of Communism in its peace demonstration."

"I admire the spirit of the people assembled here today," said Representative Bernard, "in devoting themselves to the cause of world peace."

Fish Opposed to Pacifism

Declaring that although he does not believe in making American citizens fight in foreign wars, he is unalterably opposed to pacifists who refuse to fight in defense of their country, Fish declared as he hurried into the Back Bay station to catch a train, "most pacifists and the people who want us to fight for other countries are foreigners."


Fish Sees Reds

While Representative Fish was speaking at Sanders Theatre, Bernard entered with two real reds--they were Indians. The Minnesota iron miner, who changed into an impassioned representative of the people, expressed his satisfaction with his own triumphant entry. "I have never listened to a speech by Hamilton Fish without hearing the word Communism," he said.

"Collective security is collaboration and cooperation between democratic countries to discern a war aggressor from its victim and to help the victim in every possible manner," defined Representative Bernard.

Admitting that he did not approve of sanctions, Bernard said, "If the President would lift the Spanish arms embargo, as I certainly believe he should, democratic forces in both France and England would be materially aided."
