(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld. Only letters under 400 words can be printed because of space limitations.)
To the Editor of the Crimson:
The Crimson poll strikes a melodious chord in the hearts of those interested in intra-mural activities. That 677 men have taken part in some form of House activity, is indeed happy news. There is, however, unfortunate stress laid on inter-House athletics and a correspondingly unfortunate lack of emphasis on other kinds of House activity. In the athletic setup, we have seen the development of the House Secretary plan, under the capable direction of Mr. Samborski.
Is there not also room for such a House Secretary plan for those interested in non-athletic activities? Leverett and Lowell have excellent Glee Clubs; Kirkland has recently announced the publication of a yearbook; Leverett has attempted a "weekly", Lowell a "scrapbook"; Adams has a highly-trained group of tutors playing "recorders." Other, unannounced activities have undoubtedly taken place of which we are not aware.
The upshot of these various movements should be the organization of an Inter-House Committee to plan, record, and publicize these extra-curricular developments. Perhaps a budgetary plan could be evolved, with allocations to each of the Houses for specific activities. At any rate, some form of organization is necessary if only to gather up the loose ends. To effectuate a more permanent inter-House setup, this is essential. Allan H. Kalmus '39.
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