
Crimson Batsmen Slug Lampoon "Funny" Men In Easy Baseball Win

(Reprinted from the CRIMSON issue of May 22, 1913.)

Entire inadequacy of slab artists in the face of heavy sluggers, batters as clay in the hands of stellar pitchers, and an all around exhibition of mental and physical weakness, such as Soldiers Field has not seen since the days of Eric the Red, brought expected defeat to the Lampoon hosts yestere'en.

The CRIMSON baseball club, fresh from its triumphant trample over the prostrate form of the Yale "News," swept through the ranks of its once-greatest rival like the whirlwind. 23 to 2, the traditional CRIMSON margin of victory for yea, these many years, was the counter when erstwhile Catcher Wentworth retired the last newsgetter in the gathering darkness.

Usually the most interesting game of the year, yesterday's contest by reason of its one-sidedness, proved a distinct disappointment. Perhaps the greatest features were the umpiring of Abeles and Cutting, the onlooking of Buel and Burlingame, and the general obnoxious prominence of Evarts.

The game was probably Captain Phillip's last in organized baseball, and he acquitted himself proudly, accepting every chance to squabble with the umpire without a slip-up.

The line-ups: CRIMSON  LAMPOON Phillips, s.s.  c.f., Sanger Bennett, s.s., p., r.f.  s.s., Wainwright Baker, 3b.  c., p., Wentworth Reynolds c.  p., c., 1b., Herter Edgerton, c.f.  2b., K. McIntosh Hall, r.f., p.,  3b., c., Evarts Wellman, 2b.  r.f., Hale, Garland R. McIntosh, Smith, l.f.  l.f., Fiske, Redfield Griffin, 1b.  1b., Kettell


Umpires--C. T. Abeles '13, H. Cutting '13. Scores--W. C. Brown, Jr. '14, P. R. Mechem '15, E. K. Robinson '14. General nonchalance man--R. H. Kettell '14.
