
Chinese Rally Against Japan Backed By Soviet Planes, Says Julean Arnold

American Attache Foresees No Communism With Growing Nationalism

"The Russians are undoubtedly helping the Chinese, and even the Germans are giving aid," declared Julean Arnold, United States attach to China in an interview yesterday morning after delivering a lecture to Government 30.

"Just what is going to happen as a result of the present hostilities is hard to say," stated the diplomat, veteran of 36 years, experience in the Orient. "There is no doubt that the war has created a great national feeling in China, and in Japan it is not wholly backed by the mass of the people by any means," he added.

"The Russians have been helping the Chinese government by supplying them with aviation materials. The position of Germany is very difficult to judge, yet there are many German military advisers in China and there are signs of German supplies in the country."

China Will Not Go Communist

Despite the alliance of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and the Chinese Communists, Arnold does not believe China will turn communistic. "I don't think the Chinese are very strong on isms; they are essentially too practical."


As for the future of trade in China, Arnold said foreign trade has naturally been very hard hit, but conditions outside of the war zone are not as bad as in Shanghat. He said that one of the great puzzles that foreign observers have not yet solved is why Japan has been so destructive when the alleged purpose of the Japanese is to enlarge the market for their goods. "Japanese economic cooperation in China is based on domination. No matter what happens," he added, "the International Settlement will be considerably changed."

Asked about the Foreign Service examinations for the consular service. Arnold declared that good English and clear literary style are becoming more important every year, rather than command of many foreign languages.
