
Matthews Takes Holworthy In Softball League Opener

Victorious Nine Overtakes Rivals in Fifth Inning to Win 19-5

The mighty Matthews nine defeated Holworthy 19-5 in the first intra-mural softball game in the Freshman League.

Pitchers Celaves and Monkman with Bowe behind the plate led the representatives of Matthews to victory over their fellow Yardlings. The battery for Holworthy was Kendall and White pitching, and Boehm catching. The hits were distributed fairly evenly, but the superior fielding of Matthews decided the result of the game.

At the end of the second inning Holworthy was leading 5 to 4 due to superior fielding by White at second and O'Conner at shortstop. The hitting of Powers of Matthews led the drive to stop Holworthy.

The second game of the series will be hold tomorrow between Wigglesworth and Thayer at 4 o'clock on Soldiers Field.
