
Yard Tennis League Formed For Freshman Competition

Dormitories Grouped in Two Leagues With Play-Off on May 27

Following the example set by the softball league, a Freshman intra-mural Tennis League has been organized to provide team competition for those Freshmen that have not made the Freshman squad.

Matches have been arranged for two afternoons a week, and care has been taken not to conflict the matches with softball games. The matches are to be played between 1:45 3:30 o'clock on the courts behind the Business School.

A team match consists of five singles. The dormitories have been grouped into two leagues with Straus, Matthews, and Wigglesworth in one, and Thayer, Weld Hollis, and Grays in the other. There will be a championship play-off between the winners of the two leagues on Tuesday, May 24.
