

Declare No Knowledge of Migration to Yale, Where Better Offices Can Be Provided

The University, speaking through Harald Westergaard, Dean of the School of Engineering, yesterday officially recognized the fact that the Bureau for Street Traffic Research is leaving Harvard.

In what he admitted was a 'legalistie' statement, Dean Westergaard said, "All present appointments in the Bureau for Street Traffic Research will have expired September 1. If the Corporation makes no new appointments or reappointments by that time, the Bureau will automatically cease to function."

Dean Westergaard chose not to reply to the question. "Why is the Bureau going to Yale?", as did Maxwell Halsey, assistant director of the Bureau. The latter, however, declared that "there just seem to be more pluses at Yale all the way round."

The mystery surrounding the Bureau's migration was further cleared yesterday when unofficial sources revealed that Yale, through its elastic Eno Foundation, could offer more facilities for research than could Harvard:
