In the first of four radio debates this month, the Debating Council takes the negative against Brown University this afternoon on the question: "Resolved, That Congress should adopt a regional power program embodying the basic principles of T. V. A."
Broadcast over Station WAAB and the colonial Network between 2:30 and 3:30, the debate will be capped by a decision. In an earlier clash between the two universities last fall, Brown was defeated at Providence by 3-0.
Lyman Burbank '38 and F. Welch Peel '39 will support the negative for Harvard against Brown's veteran debaters Frank Licht and Howard C. Olsen, accompanied by their team manager William E. Lebowich.
The other three broadcasts will be on successive Wednesdays: with Williams College on March 16, with Bates College on March 23, and with Wellesley College on March 30.
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