
Fordham Athletes Declared Ineligible, Face Final University Action Today

Ruling Result of Participation In Unsanctioned, Outside Competition

From the "Fordham Ram"

NEW YORK, March 6--Final decision in the case of seven Fordham athletes recently declared ineligible for the remainder of the year in Varsity competition will be rendered by University authorities tomorrow.

Last week athletic officials took action on the evidence that the seven men, all prominent in sports, had received compensation for expenses in an outside game, playing for a Plainfield, New Jersey church without the college's permission.

Action Intended as Example

Since there is no question of professionalism involved because the students were only paid for food, transportation, and other expenses, authorities here believe the violation is not serious but acted in order to prevent any ills that might result.


If it is found that playing in outside competition is the general rule with undergraduates, the sanctions imposed tomorrow may be severe in addition to ineligibility.

All on Football Team

All seven men affected by the decree were members of the undefeated football eleven last fall. In addition two of the athletes were mainstays of the baseball team, captain-elect. Woitkoski and star pitcher Gurske.

Hardest hit by the action probably is grid captain Druze who was under consideration for the position of Freshman football coach next fall. Also affected is Ed Franco, All-American last season, who has been mentioned as coach at a New Jersey preparatory school next year
