

Bock and Finley Will Speak on Choice Of Field Before Annual New Lecture Hall Gathering

Freshmen will be excused from their regular 9 o'clock classes tomorrow morning in order to attend the annual meeting on the choice of a field of concentration. At the meeting to be held in New Lecture Hall, Dean Hanford will preside and speakers will be Dr. Arlie V. Bock and Assistant Professor John H. Finley of Greek and Latin.

This is the introduction of the Freshmen to the subject which they must settle tentatively by Friday, March 18. Before this date their Plans of Study giving all courses for both concentration and distribution and their Study Cards naming courses for the first half of next year must be turned in at University Hall.

Accessible for consultation during the weeks from March 5 to March 18, the Freshman Advisers and representatives of every field of concentration will hold office hours to make suggestions. Emphasis is placed on early conferences since few extensions are given on the March 18 deadline.

One further aid in selecting a field is the pamphlet, "The Choice of a Field of Concentration," which, though unrevised since 1934, contains much still-valid information written by veterans of most departments.
