
Lining Them Up


With four veterans returning from last year's banner crew, Coach Tom Bolles looks forward to another successful year for the Varsity Crimson oarsmen. "If these four men do as well as they did last year they should make this year's crew," said Bolles yesterday, making it clear that the "if" is a very important one. Speaking of his Varsity boat, he said. "They haven't proven to me yet that they're the best boat."

It is impossible to make any accurate predictions of the calibre of this year's crew until the stroke gets higher. So far it has not gone above 23 strokes per minute. Bolles is confident that he will know the true value of this year's crop of oarsmen after the vacation practice. Unless the weather becomes warmer Bolles will not raise the stroke, until the first race of the year with M.I.T. and Rutgers on the Charles on April 30.

Varsity Is Unsteady

So far the Varsity has been unsteady and erratic. The Jayvees on the other hand, have been pretty consistent. There is really very little difference between the two boats. Being very open-minded towards his oarsmen, Bolles will not hesitate to make changes in his first boat if he thinks it is for the good of the crew. "Spike" Chace, captain of the Varsity, is one sure choice for the stroke position, although even he will be closely pressed by Bill Rowe and Barr Comstock. Jim Curwen, Freshman pace-setter last spring, has decided to stick to swimming this year.

The first Varsity boat at present consists of: Stroke, Chace; No. 7, Clark; No. 6, Erickson; No. 5, Gardiner, J.; No. 4, Kernan, W.; No. 3, Talbot, D.; No. 2, Richards; Bow, Ninde; Cox, Shortildge or White. Bolles plans to keep four crews through the spring vacation. The list of men on these boats will be announced tomorrow.
