Six men have been appointed to the Committee in charge of the Senior Spread following the recommendations made by the Student Council it was announced yesterday by the 1938 Class Marshals.
Heading the Committee is Burris Knowlton, also a member of the Class Day and Lowell House committees and Vice-President of Phillips Brooks House. Other Seniors on the Committee are Eric T. Clark, David Emerson, Ernest D. Haseltine, Jr., Martin D. Schwartz, and George von L. Meyer, 3rd, Class Treasurer, who will serve as an ex-officio member.
Experienced Men Appointed
In accordance with the advice of the Council these men have been chosen for their ability in running House dances and for the purpose of concentrating all their efforts on the Class Day program.
Clark is a member of Winthrop House, Vice-President of the Pierian Sodality, and plays in the Band. Emerson of Eliot House played Junior Varsity Foot-ball and is captain of the Ski Team. Haseltine is chairman of the Leverett House Dance Committee, while Schwartz is Chairman of the Kirkland House Dance Committee.
This committee of experienced men will have full charge of the management of the Spread and will work in collaboration with the Class Day Committee. It is hoped that by this innovation the evils in the program arrangements of the past years will be done away with.
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