

WHEN the Freshman Committee of the Student Council made public its list of candidates in the primaries yesterday morning, they announced that there were 27 candidates, and the CRIMSON took their word for it and printed the list.

Last night when the list was to be printed again there were only 26 names. But it seemed to include every name in the previous list. The Committee voted to take the matter to the offices of the department of Physic Research, but at the last moment somebody announced that he had counted the original list over and found that there were only 26 names on that, and that the Freshman Committee (of one) had miscounted.

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Two ex-naval science students were planning to go to Japan to collect data and photographs for a thesis on "The Development of European Art in Japan," saw that two Japanese had been arrested for photographing the Harvard Bridge here yesterday, which would naturally be readily vulnerable in the case of a Japanese expedition through the Bering straits and the Northwest Channel. They are investigating the possibility of changing the subject to the "Development of Art in Korea."

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Until 1845 the College published the exact number of absences from recitations for each class throughout the year. In 1843-1844 each Freshman had 620 classes to attend and had a total number of one and a half unexcused absences for the year. Of the 502 classes a year the Senior had, he cut an average of ten.

Daily prayers suffered much more than classes. There were 13 of them per week, and 40 weeks during the year which made 520. Of these the Freshman cut an average of 18, and the Senior 30.
