"If Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Dartmouth men all asked me to go out on the same night, I'd take them all on; after all, I've been married to Johnny Weismuller for five and a half years," said Lupe Velez, leading lady in the new Cole Porter musical at the Shubert, in an interview last night.
But Toby Wing was more choosy. Mentioning the name of a prominent Senior, she said, "Harvard men are such perfect gentlemen." When asked about Harvard indifference she admitted with a smile, "I think I've heard of him."
Lupe Called "Scoop"
Miss Velez, known as "Scoop" and an advocate of four love affairs before marriage, said of her own husband, who crashed the movies as Tarzan, "Although he doesn't do any tree-swinging around the house, he wears the pants in the family, and I'm proud of it. He's my favorite leading man, too."
Stage-Door Johnnies
Robert Taylor she "can't see for dust." Of the relative merits of Boston and New Haven audiences she said, "I love them all; they all pay $3.30." Miss Wing thought that New Haven audiences were "rather rowdyish and full of stage-door Johnnies."
The Mexican fire-ball, who has been applying grease paint to her face since she was 13, attributed her career to the Revolution. "It drove me on the stage, and I've been there ever since."
Did Her "Minsky"
"I was doing my Minsky on the beach one day," said Miss Wing, "when Mack Sennett saw me and put me in his comedies with Bing Crosby and W. C. Fields. No, I never got hit in the face with a pie; I was mostly the girl who sat on the beach and got insulted."
Texas Convent
Brought up in a Texas convent, Miss Velez disapproves of the institution of co-education. "It's much more fun when there are strict rules to break and you have to sneak out to got romance. When boys and girls are together all the time it spoils things."
As she fussed with a recalcitrant eyelash, she branched off into foreign affairs long enough to go on record in favor of a Pan-American Union. She said "I love everything and everybody, and that's why I've never had a flop."
Spaghetti Dinner
Sorrowfully refusing an invitation to the Leverett House Dance tonight, Miss Wing said, "I'm going to a spaghetti dinner or something. Good bye, now; I've gotta go act."
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