As the winter athletic season draws to a close, captains of three 1938-1939 teams, basketball, hockey, and swimming, will be elected this afternoon when official pictures of the 1937-38 teams are made at the Dillon Field House.
Three Juniors are eligible for the basketball captaincy, Ulysses Lupien, Fred Heckel, and Dick Sullivan, one of whom will replace Vernon Struck, this year's captain.
Austie Harding, Joe Patrick, Fred de Rham, all forwards, and Dave Mittell, goaler, are eligible for the election today to succeed Traf Hicks.
For next year's squash racquets team the captain will be chosen among Frank Appleton, Pete Cunningham, and George Blake. The retiring captain is Alvah Sulloway.
Captains for swimming, wrestling, and polo will be chosen tomorrow when pictures of these teams are taken. The fencing team also sits for the photographer tomorrow, but a captain will not be elected, for the Yale match does not come until Saturday.
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