
Law School Yearbook Men Accuse Chairman Steadman of "Cleanup"

Eight Members of Staff Donated Services; Wish All Profit to Go to P.B.H.

Red-faced and indignant, a member of the Law School yearbook board charged vigorously today that its chairman, Charles W. Steadman 3L, had received $1750 in profits while his eight assistants were working under the delusion that all proceeds would be turned over to Brooks House.

Kept ignorant of their chief's deal with the social service center, that 30 percent of the earnings be turned over to the annual's sponsors, the committeeman, speaking for his seven penniless colleagues, said, "If they kick it back to P. B. H. we wouldn't yell. The idea of his making a clean-up stirs us to protest."

"Might Make Some Money"

The staff member revealed that Steadman had approached them last year, saying, 'How about donating your service to the Brooks House to put out the first publication of its kind in the Law School? He had added that some of the members, if appointed chairman following him, "might make some money," but that the chances of success looked slight for the first year.

Members of the committee compensated only by a ticket to the Army football game and a free copy of their own annual, indicated that while they did not wish a slice of the profits for themselves they resented the appropriation of a "clean-up" of $1750 for the president and of $800 for Letsinger, his immediate assistant.


Members of the yearbook staff are: Harold M. Wolff (no relation to educator), William L. Archer, Elijah D. Adkins, Francis K. Buckley, John P. Coghlan, Frank W. Hustace, Jr., R. Stanley Lawton, Charles L. Fallonsbee, Jr.

"Shirts and Pants"

Indicating that the $1100 now conceded the social service center as its share in the enterprise should be increased, the vengeful committeeman said, "Steadman would take your shirt and come back for your pants."

A member of the Law Review told investigators that his organization had once offered $100 to the young publication but has since refrained from payment. He cited the achievement of the yearbook men in putting charges on term bills, something the Review has not been able to do during its 50 years of existence.

The annual which sold for $5 cost only $1.90 to produce. The Law School officially cooperated with the venture by ordering pictures taken of the students through the Secretary's office and by donating free space for photo-snapping in Austin Hall.
