
Elis Trim Crimson Sextet 2-1 in Playoff

Undefeated Captain Harkness Seeks Title in 175-Lb. Division as Ross Fights in Lightweights

No spectacular Crimson representation will feature the thirty-fourth annual Eastern Intercollegiate wrestling tournament at Ithaca this weekend, but Coach Pat Johnson is counting on capturing laurels for the first time in many a similar competition.

All eyes are turned on 175-pounder Captain Johnnie Harkness who has crushed the present titleholder, Ross Shaffer, and maintained an undefeated record in his matches this year. All his chances hinge on whether lie can pin the Penn State wonder once again.

Another Johnson hope is lightweight Harvey Ross who has fallen victim to blind grappler Allman of Penn and undefeated 118-pounder Mallon of Yale. Because of his rapid improvement and his records against Penn State and Princeton, observers are counting on him to advance to the final round on Saturday.

Teams from Yale, Lehigh, Princeton, Penn, Penn State, Columbia, Syracuse, and Cornell are also contenders in the meet with the Tigers and keystone Aggies producing strongest championship material.

With Captain Morris Emory in the 165-pound and Charlie Powers in the 155-pound classes the Bengals look for at least two titles, but are challenged in the latter division by Lehigh which is holding up Dick Bishop as the 1936 division winner.


Since the series was inaugurated in 1905 Harvard has never once been able to capture the Eastern championship.
