
Eight Names Added by Petition For Senior Election Next Week


Scholarships totalling $295 were awarded to five students last night by the Student Council, it was announced following last night's meeting. James H. Brooks '38, Paul D. Davis '40, W. Perrin Fuller '40, Edgar W. Hirshberg '38, and Holland L. Willard '40 were the undergraduates receiving the awards.

The Council has now voted a total of $1380 in scholarships to undergraduates since the beginning of the present academic year.

The Committee also announced that applications for scholarships to be applied on the April 30 term bill must be received before Monday, April 18. As this is the last term bill of the year, aside from the small one due July 5, that deadline of April 18 will be the final date of the year for receiving applications for Council aid, save for extreme emergencies.

There is no formal application blank for the scholarships, but students wishing to be considered should list the amount of their April term bill, their approximate resources, the amount they are receiving from University loan or beneficiary aid funds, whether they have a scholarship or student employment position, what activities they had participated in, their group in the rank list, and any other information they think might be of value to the committee.

These applications should be given to the members of the Scholarship Committee, Edward L. Barnes '38, Richard H. Sullivan '39, Richard O. Ulin '38, or mailed to the chairman, Casper W. Weinberger at E-41 Dunster House, or handed in to the Council office in Phillips Brooks House before April 18.
