The annual mid-winter competition for the CRIMSON will open on next Monday night, with Freshmen and Sophomores eligible for places on the various boards.
Open House for prospective candidates who would like to see the CRIMSON being published and talk over the competitions with the representatives of the various boards will be held tonight, Friday night and Sunday night between 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock.
Freshmen and Sophomores are eligible to compete in the news and business competitions, while the competitions for editorial men is for Sophomores only.
This will be the first news competition for Sophomores for several years, and is being held due to the existence of two vacancies on the 1940 board. Men successfully completing this competition will be eligible for the post of Assistant Managing Editor despite their late start.
The general work of the news competition opens with the training in writing news stories with assignments given out daily. As the candidate advances, he learns headline writing, does feature stories and interviews, and in the closing weeks of the competition stress is laid on work obtained through individual initiative.,
The business competition, in which Sophomores may also compete, seen the candidate working on obtaining adverticements and getting valuable business training in studying the organization of the paper.
Editorial writers will start by working out with the news board for general newspaper knowledge; then they will write on editorials each day, and subjects are assigned for investigation and research.
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